Is this the day......

I would like to welcome you to my WEB site. Are you like me just cruising the net looking and praying for something that is real and find nothing but a bunch of scams. Reading about how people are making millions of dollars not doing anything and getting discourage when they don't work for you. Let me share the keys to success with you and lets start this journey together. I have experienced a life transforming event, that has taken me from a very unheathy lifestyle that literally was killing me. I was like most Americans overweight and my medical conditions were getting worse. I first had to identify the problem and the conclusion changed my life. I went from a burnt out 50 year old to a lifestyle of increditable energy. My future is bright, let me share my discoveries with you and we will go on to change the world one person at a time.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

20 Keys to weight loss

Following is a list of my 20 weight tips that have helped me and my customers lose over 250 pounds last year:
2o weight loss tips

1) Drink enough water.
2) Snacks:
Fiber=sense of being full
Hot Tea=sense of being full
Cold Beverage=helps trigger metabolism-burns calories
3) Eat a least 5 times a day (smaller portions) (meal replacements-shakes, protein bars, healthy pies)
4) Chew Gum
5) Drink natural juices-stay away from diet sodas (chemicals cause body to store fat)
6) Play food games
A. Every bite chew 50 times
B. Set fork down between bites
C. Try to identify tastes and flavors
7) Broil, Bake, Microwave, Slow Cook, never fry
8) Save money, buy bunk items and separate into individual servings. Take one hour a week to prepare you meals for when you don’t have time to make a healthy meal
9) Treat yourself good-not food rewards
10) Food is you fuel, buy the best you can. (Not junk)
11) You are making lifestyle changes-not going on a diet, develop healthy habits-start your plan new everyday. Forget about yesterday’s failures.
12) Don’t leave the table feeling full
13) Weigh yourself at the most once a week
14) Judge your loses by clothes, inches and energy
15) Set Goals and write them down (not time tables).
16) Get busy-active walking, shopping, mall walking
17) Throw out temptations
18) Allow yourself 1 day a week to have something you love.
19) Take pictures when you start-then if you have an old picture that you want to look like and see yourself there again.
20) Most important of all, you will never succeed unless you start-today. And you will never fail unless you quit.
It is my hope and goal that you will achieve you weight loss goals. Allow me the priveldge to help you. Check my story out at

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dan, thanks for sharing your 20 tips. Generous, loving and kind! It looks like you're happy, joyous and free! Congratulations on your great success!!! Thank you so much for your generosity!