Is this the day......

I would like to welcome you to my WEB site. Are you like me just cruising the net looking and praying for something that is real and find nothing but a bunch of scams. Reading about how people are making millions of dollars not doing anything and getting discourage when they don't work for you. Let me share the keys to success with you and lets start this journey together. I have experienced a life transforming event, that has taken me from a very unheathy lifestyle that literally was killing me. I was like most Americans overweight and my medical conditions were getting worse. I first had to identify the problem and the conclusion changed my life. I went from a burnt out 50 year old to a lifestyle of increditable energy. My future is bright, let me share my discoveries with you and we will go on to change the world one person at a time.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

20 Keys to weight loss

Following is a list of my 20 weight tips that have helped me and my customers lose over 250 pounds last year:
2o weight loss tips

1) Drink enough water.
2) Snacks:
Fiber=sense of being full
Hot Tea=sense of being full
Cold Beverage=helps trigger metabolism-burns calories
3) Eat a least 5 times a day (smaller portions) (meal replacements-shakes, protein bars, healthy pies)
4) Chew Gum
5) Drink natural juices-stay away from diet sodas (chemicals cause body to store fat)
6) Play food games
A. Every bite chew 50 times
B. Set fork down between bites
C. Try to identify tastes and flavors
7) Broil, Bake, Microwave, Slow Cook, never fry
8) Save money, buy bunk items and separate into individual servings. Take one hour a week to prepare you meals for when you don’t have time to make a healthy meal
9) Treat yourself good-not food rewards
10) Food is you fuel, buy the best you can. (Not junk)
11) You are making lifestyle changes-not going on a diet, develop healthy habits-start your plan new everyday. Forget about yesterday’s failures.
12) Don’t leave the table feeling full
13) Weigh yourself at the most once a week
14) Judge your loses by clothes, inches and energy
15) Set Goals and write them down (not time tables).
16) Get busy-active walking, shopping, mall walking
17) Throw out temptations
18) Allow yourself 1 day a week to have something you love.
19) Take pictures when you start-then if you have an old picture that you want to look like and see yourself there again.
20) Most important of all, you will never succeed unless you start-today. And you will never fail unless you quit.
It is my hope and goal that you will achieve you weight loss goals. Allow me the priveldge to help you. Check my story out at

Saturday, January 10, 2009

2 Trash Bags

My Wife and I have been fostering children for over 8 years now, but our first placement was what convinced us of why we needed to foster. A friend of ours had been encouraging us for years to become foster parents. We continually resisted because we didn’t want to go through the anal exam you have to become one. Finally our boy’s were almost grown our youngest was 13 at the time. We decided to at least go through the training and certification process. You see my wife has a true gift of caring for and nurturing children, she had already been a mom to many. Her ability to express her uncompromising values has helped many a young person, so it was a natural progression for her. I was the provider and the support system that allowed her to use her God given gift for children. So we did it we went through the process, the uncomfortable questions, the background checks, the home inspections and examining our motives. The whole process is totally necessary to make sure that the children that would be placing with us would be in a safe and caring place. We were convinced that because we had been as honest as possible they would never place any kids with us. But finally the fateful day came; I got a call from our certifier about a little boy who needed a home for about 2 weeks. As I recall our first placement, it cements in my heart why we were so needed.
Being our first placement our certifier gave as much details as she could and if their was a problem the child could be immediately removed. My wife and I were a little concern or maybe a little scare, so we asked if we could a least see him. From his history we were sure he would have horns and pitch fork. He was in evaluation facility, to determine how to best deal with his issues. You see he was 7 years old and he had already been in the foster care system for over 4 years. In that time he had been in many different homes (3 different ones in the last year alone). What we saw was a very polite little boy full of energy, so we decided we would take him in. So we called back the case worker and told her we would take him. We scheduled to pick him up the next day. He came out with these 2 large trash bags of his total possession in the world. My wife open them and found that one of the bags belong to someone else. His 1 bag was full of clothes too small and broken toys. Imagine being in the system for over 4 years and having nothing.
It broke our hearts; at that point we determined that no kid would ever leave our house with trash bags. They always left with a suitcase and plastic totes and all the stuff they had accumulated from their time with us from birthdays, Christmas and all the pictures. We also determined our goal for these kids that they would stay with us until:
1. They returned home
2. They were adopted
3. Or we would become their forever family(we adopted 3)
You see this little boy ended up staying with us for over 2 years and was reunited with his brothers in our home and they were all adopted together (something his case worker said wouldn’t happen). We still have contact with them today. My wife got to visit them last year.
It took me years to learn the lesson of the 2 trash bags. You see that was me with those bags. The things in those bags were the things I had accumulated in my life. All my stuff which was broken and worn out. The true measure of my life is not what I have, but who and how I have touched people. I know I will never be rich with material things, but I wouldn’t trade the relationships I have with people, those are my true wealth.
So look around is there someone you can help or serve today, it is never too late to start. If you focus on helping other people, your problems and challenges will not seem so big.

To Your Success
“In 100 years from now it will not matter how much money I had, the kind of house I lived in or the model of car I drove. But it will make a difference that I was important in the life of a child”

Sunday, January 4, 2009

2009 The Year Of You

2009 A Year of Great Opportunity
Achieving your Dreams

2009 is now upon us, maybe you have made that new years resolution to:
start a new career, find that perfect someone, lose weight, stop smoking,
go back to school or whatever you would like to change about your life. Let
me assure you can do it. As I look back on 2008, I have seen many of my
goals and dreams come true. I started the year fearful of losing my
job (that happened) and tired all the time and my body hurting every day (now I feel great). I began a journey in March, that I am still on today. When you have a life changing experience you want to share it with the world.

This Will Be the Year of You
It will happen

The greatest gift we have is that we have the choice to choose who we will
become and the type of person you want to be. You choose to be happy everyday and be thankful for what you have. One of the key things to remember is that you are a unique person like no one else in the world. No body can match your talents or abilities when you choose to apply them. You will achieve your dreams if you just start to apply yourself to them.

Draw the line in 2009
Develop your theme for the year.

My theme for this year is not to settle for anything less that my best
effort in every undertaking I do this year. To give an 100% effort to my
family, my education and my business. I hope you will join me. I believe you can and will accomplish great things this year. So let's make a difference in 2009.

To Your Success

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Megabucks Winner

My luckiest day…. This is unbelievable story about how I learned a true lesson in life. It happened on a Sunday in January 2007. I went into a convience store, you know the kind that have the video poker games in the back and did my usual weekly check of my lottery tickets. Well I had one ticket that said "check with retailer" usually a $4 or $12 winner. Well this one said something a little different. The clerk said: “I needed to take the ticket to lottery headquarters to claim my prize”. Just imagine my excitement. The clerk could not immediately tell me what I had won, so I drove back home to check the internet. On my drive home I dreamed of what it could mean, be out of debt and for the first time to be able to truly help my family and friends financially. I had hit 5 of the 6 numbers and the 6th number was off by only by 2 numbers. Wow so close, 2 numbers away from being a millionaire. It still meant over $2,600, which was worth the drive. But coming so close and missing the big win by 2 numbers, I think the jackpot was over 2 million so you could imagine my disappointment. I believe everything happens for a reason and it took me over a year to discover life’s real lesson for me. You see I know now I would have just blow that money, oh it would have been used for good things. Yet in the end it would never have meant anything and I would be broke today. You see I didn’t deserve it and hadn’t really earned it. So I don’t believe that was my luckiest day, that day happened this year. Thats when I started a quest to move forward with my life and be willing to change. That is when I got involve in a home based business that has not only change my health it has change my financial future. I no longer believe in luck, what I believe is that we are destined for greatness. Our greatness is not measured by what we have, it is measure by who we touch. You all have the potential to change our world and make it a better place. So my theme this year: Is to draw the line in 2009, living by convictions not compromise. Lets lead and encourage each on this quest.

This update is dedicated to Nancy Adler-your story has inspired me to make a committment to quit Video Gambling in 2009.